Legal Update
Our community originally began this challenge to prevent warehouses from being built in close proximity to residential homes. Upon incorporation of the City of Rancho Cordova, a developer agreement was inherited from the county allowing warehouses to be built in close proximity to our neighborhood. Despite this agreement, we were successful in halting several warehouse projects. However, Stone Creek Industrial and LogistiCenter were still in the planning process and our challenge continued. In June of 2023, the inherited developer agreement expired. The City then passed an Ordinance to modify the ZSPA created by the county, allowing the city the opportunity to update the ZSPA zoning classifications. These changes aligned with current standards of environmental safety and appropriate uses within close proximity of the community.
The developer has challenged the Ordinance created by the City, claiming it is in violation of the developer agreement. The developer filed a case that is now pending in the Superior Court of the State of California. Since 11/29/23 this case has been extended 7 times to certify the record. The last delay was requested on 11/27/24 and a promise was made to have the case record certified by 2/2/25. This means that both parties (Dermody and the City of Rancho Cordova) have verified the administrative record (documents) submitted by both parties pertaining to the case. The record includes, but is not limited to, council meeting minutes, public comments, staff reports, project plans, etc. Upon acceptance by the court, the hearing can finally be scheduled.
These delays are why you have not heard anything from us; however, we are still highly involved with your interests in mind. Due to our expert knowledge of the impacts to our neighborhood, our attorney asked that we be allowed to intervene in this case. We will not have a ruling on this request until the record has been certified. Our hope is 2/2/25 is that day.
We could not have gotten this far without the support of this community. We are grateful for all you have contributed, and our successes are truly because of all of you. Thank you for your continuing support.
Stone Creek Residents for Smart Growth
Upcoming Meetings

When information about the intrusion of a warehouse corridor permeated the streets of Stone Creek like a slow poisonous cloud, residents began to gather and plan an appeal. We are a group from different walks of life, generations and ages, economic status, etc. but are joined in unity to complete the long, tedious, frustrating but crucial effort to stop the city and the developers from decimating our quality of life, the air we breathe, our health, sleep and peace of mind, property values and safety on the roads, bike path and sidewalks. We are determined to preserve the life we invested in when we purchased our homes in Stone Creek from Elliott Homes.
Join us! It is never too late to join the fight! There is strength in numbers. And please support the legal battle ahead. The only way to dismantle the run around game of city government and developers is with a court hearing and a judge.
Please contribute what you can, when you can!